MaxstARSDK  3.5.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAbstractARManagerInitialize system environment with app key, screen size and orientation
 CAbstractCameraBackgroundBehaviourHandles native background rendering. Background rendering includes camera image, feature point, slam initialization progress bar, watermark, surface mesh
 CAbstractConfigurationScriptableObjectControl the configuration asset file
 CAbstractImageTrackableBehaviourHandle tracking file definition in editor and runtime target image visibility
 CAbstractInstantTrackableBehaviourServes only instant tracking mode
 CAbstractMapViewerBehaviourHandles 3D map file for authoring. Map controller includes mappoint controller and keyframe controller.
 CAbstractMarkerTrackableBehaviourServe frame marker tracking. This is not working current version!
 CAbstractObjectTrackableBehaviourServe 3dmap file recognition and tracking
 CAbstractTrackableBehaviourParent class of all TrackableBehaviour. Save tracking file's id (uuid), name, path etc. All setting datas are for editor mode and runtime tracking result.
 CAbstractWearableManagerCreate stereo camera for optical see-through HMD
 CCameraDeviceclass for camera device handling
 CGuideInfoContains surface's data generated from slam tracking
 CMapRendererBehaviourMap created by Visual SLAM renderer
 CMaxstARSet device environment
 CMaxstARUtilsDefine constant values
 CSensorDeviceControl device sensor
 CSurfaceMeshContains surface's mesh data generated from slam tracking
 CSurfaceThumbnailContains surface thumbnail image information of first keyframe
 CTrackableContainer for individual tracking information
 CTrackedImageimage data which is used for tracker and rendering
 CTrackerManagerControl AR Engine (Singletone)
 CTrackingResultContains tracked targets informations
 CTrackingStateContainer for individual tracking information
 CWearableCalibrationAPI for wearable calibration.