Crash app
1. Версия SDK: 5.0.2
2. Среда разработки: Unity-Android
3. Трекер / сканер: InstantTrackable
4. Тип лицензии (бесплатно)
После добавления объявлений Google происходит сбой maxst ar (происходит сбой при установке куба и сбое приложения)
Thanks for your interest to our MAXST AR SDK.
We can understand ENG or KOR language.
Please write a through ENG or KOR language.
If you have other questions, feel free to questions us.
Best regards
MAXST Support Team
1. SDK version: 5.0.2.
2. Development environment: Unity-Android
3. Tracker / scanner: InstantTrackable
4. license Type (free)
After adding Google ads, maxstart crashes (the cube installation fails and the app crashes)
First, We're sorry to you.
The MAXST AR SDK doesn't officially support Google ads.
If you have other questions, feel free to questions us.
Best regards
MAXST Support Team