Video Player can not set position to a specific time
Posted Date: 2020-08-21 10:45     Edited Date: 2020-08-25 2:15     Writer: inactive

1. SDK Version: 5.0.2
2. Development Environment: Native Android
3. Tracker/Scanner: Tracker
4. License Type(Free / Pro-One Time Fee / Pro-Subscription / Enterprise): Free

Hi, I'm trying to restore the position of the video whenever onSavedInstanceState is getting called. but the set position method in your provided video player library is like this:

public void setPosition(int position) {
    if (this.mediaPlayer != null && this.mediaPlayer.isPlaying()) {


It doesn't seem to update the position instead sets it to 0.

Posted Date: 2020-08-24 2:37     Edited Date: 2020-08-24 2:37     Writer: inactive

Thanks for your interest to our MAXST AR SDK.


Are you try to Image Tracker of MAXST AR SDK?

So, Do you wanna augmented video object?


If you have other questions, feel free to questions us.



Best regards


MAXST Support Team

Posted Date: 2020-08-24 4:17     Edited Date: 2020-08-24 4:17     Writer: inactive

Yes I'm trying the image tracker and augment a video object.

Posted Date: 2020-08-25 2:15     Edited Date: 2020-08-25 2:15     Writer: inactive

Is the video augmented normally when the image is recognized?


You can control the video through the of MAXST AR SDK.

Why are you using


If you have other questions, feel free to questions us.



Best regards


MAXST Support Team