Build in API 35 for Unity
Posted Date: 2024-11-22 17:03     Edited Date: 2024-11-25 2:46     Writer: irving.macias

Please provide your development details as below;

1. SDK Version: Min 32 Max 35
2. Development Environment: Unity Android
3. Tracker/Scanner: Scanner
4. License Type(Free / Pro-One Time Fee / Pro-Subscription / Enterprise): Free
5. Target Device(Optional): Android

We can assist better if you attach screenshots of issues.

I used to made some builds with API 34. It was working fine, but now I need to make some builds in 35 but I have some problems.

I tried an empty project for API 35 and was working well, I set asset by asset and with the MAXST I got some problems.


This is my ORIGINAL project console:

Captura de pantalla 2024-11-22 a la(s) 9.54.41.png

Captura de pantalla 2024-11-22 a la(s) 9.55.22.png

Captura de pantalla 2024-11-22 a la(s) 9.56.15.png


My EMPTY project console:

Captura de pantalla 2024-11-22 a la(s) 10.08.53.png

Captura de pantalla 2024-11-22 a la(s) 10.09.26.png

Captura de pantalla 2024-11-22 a la(s) 10.10.35.png

Posted Date: 2024-11-25 2:46     Edited Date: 2024-11-25 2:46     Writer: admin

Please uncheck the red box area in the image above.

It seems to conflict with the gradle file we created in version 35.

MAXST Support Team