ImageTrackable causing crash
Posted Date: 2018-04-04 6:44     Edited Date: 2018-04-04 8:02     Writer: yuliyanto1985


I tried the sample scene ImageTracker, everytime I press run it just crash and saying "Unity editor has stop working".

But if I remove all the ImageTrackable the scene will run just fine. I tried the instantTracker scene too, and it run perfectly.

I don't understand why it's crash when there is ImageTrackable in the scene.

I'm using Unity 5.6.1 f1 and Maxst v3.5, I tried to run it with directX and openGL and the result is still the same.

Do you have any solution for this? I need the imagetracking for my project.


Posted Date: 2018-04-04 8:02     Edited Date: 2018-04-04 8:02     Writer: slkim

Please update Unity as 5.6.2.