Is cardboard SDK supported on 3.5.2?
Posted Date: 2018-07-11 13:05     Edited Date: 2018-07-13 6:29     Writer: inactive

Please provide your development details as below;

1. SDK Version: 3.5.2
2. Development Environment: (eg. Unity-Android, Unity-iOS, Native Android, Native iOS) Unity-Android
3. Tracker/Scanner: Instant tracking
4. License Type(Free / Pro-One Time Fee / Pro-Subscription / Enterprise): Free
5. Target Device(Optional): Honor 8 FRD-L09

Is cardboard SDK supported on 3.5.2 cause I build the sample of instant tracking with built in unity 5.6.6 cardboard sdk and the screen is black nothing is rendered.

I was thinking of importing the google cardboard sdk myself but I don't know if attaching the ARcamera scripts to Cardboard SDK Main camera currently works.

Thanks for all!


Posted Date: 2018-07-12 0:02     Edited Date: 2018-07-12 0:02     Writer: inactive


Unfortunately our sdk does not support vr setting now.


SDK Support team, Maxst

Posted Date: 2018-07-12 5:51     Edited Date: 2018-07-12 5:51     Writer: inactive

And what would It need to be developed to work with VR?

There's no option to achieve this? I need It urgently!



Posted Date: 2018-07-13 0:59     Edited Date: 2018-07-13 0:59     Writer: inactive

We need time to support VR mode in our sdk.

So sorry..

Posted Date: 2018-07-13 6:29     Edited Date: 2018-07-13 6:29     Writer: inactive

I've just gone for the sample of duplicating the two cameras and then changing the viewport rect so they are Next to each other. The problem is the camera is displayed smaller and I've got problems integrating other softwares that also have a background object on their main camera.

Thanks a lot!