Invalid signature
Hello, I'm getting an invalid signature on my android phone after building and running my apk. I copied the license key from the license manager under 3.5.x. (I'm using 3.5.2 version of sdk.) I've run out of ideas as to what can be wrong, any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
Thanks for using our sdk.
Could you please send your app id and app key to ?
And what is your running platform? (Android, iPhone, Unity)
SDK support team, Maxst
Hi, thanks for the reply. I sent my reply to sdk@maxst but was asked to post here. I'll resend my message I sent earlier. My app id is testpiano and my app name is pianoapp as per your request. And I'm running unity 5.6.6f2 and building out to android. Thank you. I have another question actually. When I test my app with my webcam on surface pro 2, I can see the augmentations I created in unity but it's very jittery. The augmentations seem to be moving around a lot and aren't staying in the place I need them. I'm thinking that my object target image (which is a grand piano) isn't stable enough or have enough features to be tracked well. Any help with this would be great. I'm pretty happy I can at least see the augmentations when I test but it'd be better if you could please help. Thanks again.
We replied your email about app key issue.
Could you please attach video of running demo on surface pro here?