Android OBB file support
Please provide your development details as below;
1. SDK Version: 4.0.4
2. Development Environment: Native Android, Native iOS
3. Tracker/Scanner: ImageTracker
4. License Type : - Pro-One Time Fee
5. Target Device(Optional):
Hello there,
We are using the imagetracker and displaying video overlays on images.
Due to the video content, the size of the apk exceeds 100MB. and the Android Playstore accepts apk only upto 100MB.
We know the approach for OBB, but for that we will have to fetch teh videos from external storage.
So, we just wanted to know if OBB is supported in your Native SDK and how we can play videos from external storage for normal and chromakeyvideos?
Thanks for your interest in MAXST SDK.
We will support OBB split apk at next version in end of March.
To play a video from an external repository, simply pass the video's path to the openvideo () function of the VideoPlayer.
MAXST Support Team