strange camera showthrough
Please provide your development details as below;
1. SDK Version: 4.1
2. Development Environment: Unity - Android
3. Tracker/Scanner:
4. License Type: Free
5. Target Device(Optional): Samsung Galaxy 8
When I build the default app as per the instructions on this page-
I see this result in any of the scenes camera showthrough.
Any idea what's going on here?
Now you are ready to start an augmented reality.
Maxst Support Team
Um... no.... the image shows that the image is mirrored across a diagonal split.
It's not working.
Here's a link to a video of the screen output.
Hmm ... I have run the example in the same environment as you.
I ran it on Galaxy 8 after building it on Unity-Android. I have confirmed that it works properly on my device.
Do you have any modifications in the Unity example?
Have you modified the camera background parameters or mesh?
Maxst Support Team
I'm pretty sure I didn't modify any settings. I just applied the serial (which btw is showing as invalid even though it's a new free serial, and the bundle ID matches (
That's all I did.
I didn't touch the camera or mesh. Not even sure which mesh you're referring to there.
Hmm ... then please send the Unity project you used in compressed form. When I run it on the Unity and Galaxy devices of the same environment as the sample example, the phenomenon will not be reproduced, so I will have to run the project.
Please compress your Unity project and send it to Thank you.
Maxst Support Team
First of all, when you open your project and build it and put it in your phone, there was no distortion of my camera screen.
The first thing I did was delete the Packages / manifest.json file when I loaded your project with Unity error. Then, in the build settings window, I deleted an empty scene that was not erased at the top of Scenes In Build. And I entered a new license with the same package name as you wrote down.
I changed only the Unity settings, but I did not have any problems when I ran your project. If you run the above process and see the screen distorted, try to build it on another phone and let me know it again.
You mentioned above as a free license,
Why did not the MAXST logo appear at the bottom of the camera screen?
Maxst Support Team
I did as you suggested, and the result was exatly the same. The video frame is still doing what it was doing in that video I linked.
I removed the deleted scene, and the licence settings are all what they're supposed to be.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Unfortunately I don't have another device to test it on. I'll see what I can do.
You can enter the license as appropriate in the project. Apart from that, I received the project you sent and when I built it on another phone without any changes, the normal camera screen came out. That's why I wanted to build a device on another device.
Maxst Support Team
I tried to build it to the iphone, but it just crashes every time I try to enter any of the scenes. Like it's trying to turn on the camera, but just crashes.
XCode 10.1
Unity 2019.1b1
Does the build mean that there is a crash when running on the iPhone?
Maxst Support Team
I checked the problem. The cause was Unity.
There are many big and small bugs every time Unity version is released.
If you run the another Unity version, it will work normally.
Since the 2018 version is more stable than the beta version, we recommend the 2018 version.
Maxst Support Team
ok. Thanks. We'll see about that.
Hey, we've had an idea.
What if the problem is that Unity 2019.1.0b8 is not working with the MaxST licence properly?
I ask because no version I've tested on 2019.1.x has shown a valid licence.
We make minor changes to our SDK to work with each version of Unity as it changes. The beta version is not yet officially released, so we do not officially support it either. It's still unstable and incomplete in Unity yet, can not we fix it in advance for that unstable version?
And I have just tested it on the 2019.1.x version, but I do not think there are any licensing issues. If the license is not authenticated, content can not be augmented when running on the phone. I have confirmed that it augment normally.
Maxst Support Team
I don't know if you still encounter this issue. I still have it with Unity 2019.1.1f1, but Maxst doesn't support Unity 2019 I believe.
If you want a quick fix before the official support, I found a workaround in MaxstAR/Script/Wrapper/AbstractCameraBackgroundBehaviour.cs (from line 278) :
Mesh mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
Vector3[] vertices = mesh.vertices;
Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[vertices.Length];
// Previous piece of code not working on Unity 2019
/*uvs[0].x = 0; uvs[0].y = 1;
uvs[1].x = 1; uvs[1].y = 0;
uvs[2].x = 1; uvs[2].y = 1;
uvs[3].x = 0; uvs[3].y = 0;*/
// Somehow working on Unity 2019
uvs[0].x = 0; uvs[0].y = 1;
uvs[1].x = 1; uvs[1].y = 1;
uvs[2].x = 0; uvs[2].y = 0;
uvs[3].x = 1; uvs[3].y = 0;
mesh.uv = uvs;
GetComponent<Renderer>().material.renderQueue = 1500;
Debug.Log("Create background texture done");
It seems that the UV behaving the same in Unity 2019 for this case. I didn't test all Maxst feature with this fix and I can't
guarantee there is no issue left.
Thanks. We'll try that.
Oh, and MaxST dev folks... 2019 is out now... poke poke...