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We can assist better if you attach screenshots of issues.
3)Image, with anti-jittering_activation
5)Xiami note 4
Hello, dear developers. I have a problem of jittering objects near image-target. When image is parallel(and in center) to camera objects are stable, but with any movements and angles- they jumpimg between two points. Is there a way to solve this problem?(anti-jittering is ON)
Please take a video and show it. I think I can see the phenomenon accurately by the video.
Thank you.
Maxst Support Team
Where to send video?(email, or other)
here is video
P.S. I took image of only plastic part as target(0.08m)
Any ideas?
Please send the 2dmap file you used in the video for analysis.
Maxst Support Team
Any ideas?
I'm sorry. Please wait a moment.
We just started reviewing because of other work.
Maxst Support Team
Sorry for the late reply.
We also tried to run Image Tracker with 2dmap.
The trembling phenomenon is reproduced here as you have been told.
The exact cause is not yet known. Tomorrow we will analyze and answer a little more.
Maxst Support Team
Found anything?
I am sorry that the answer is late.
First of all, there are not many feature points in the image, so the trembling phenomenon is severe. This can be calibrated via the jitter reduction option.
In addition, the reason for trembling is the location of content enhancement. You placed the content in the air. When placed immediately on the ground, the range of motion when moved 1 degree and when moving 1 degree from the air are different. If the image is to be superimposed directly above the image, trembling will not be significant.
Maxst Support Team
I used jitter_reduction and this was a result... What is feature points?-maybe I will be able to add some...Does MaxSt have any way to recognize surfaces so that I will be able to attach my model to ground?
A feature point is a point (for example, a vertex of a rectangle) that can be distinguished from other points in the image. We are already returning 4 points on the ground. What I am guessing is that you have made the content replacement somewhat higher on the ground.
Maxst Support Team