Pipeline help with "AR indoor navigation" .
Please provide your development details as below;
1. Im on version 4.1.3 (downloaded today).
2. Im developing for Android Unity.
3. The camera i am using is my phones camera (LG V20).
4. I'm using the free lisence as i want to test this SDK.
5. Android phone
According to the guide i watched (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=as8M-e8Sz04) I need to take a video of the physical walkthrough of the space, then upload it to the server so it can create a pointcloud from said video. Then i upload the pointcloud onto my phone and the app detects it?
I need help with this pipeline as I don't know where to find the upload link for the file so can give me a point cloud, and then im not sure what to do with said point cloud.
Thanks :)
Currently we do not provide indoor functionality in sdk. The indoor tracking will be provided as a solution. If you need related functions, please send e-mail to sdk@maxst.com for further discussion.
Thank you.
Maxst Support Team