camera black build IL2CPP
Posted Date: 2020-01-08 16:22     Edited Date: 2020-08-06 11:15     Writer: duraidk9

Please provide your development details as below;

1. SDK Version:4.14
2. Development Environment:andriod
3. Tracker/Scanner:image
4. License Type(Free / Pro-One Time Fee / Pro-Subscription / Enterprise): free
5. Target Device(Optional): Xiaomi_Redmi_Note_7

AndroidPlayer(Xiaomi_Redmi_Note_7S)</i> DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'MaxstAR': The specified module could not be found.
at maxstAR.NativeAPI.maxst_TrackerManager_setTrackingOption (System.Int32 option) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
at maxstAR.TrackerManager.SetTrackingOption (maxstAR.TrackerManager+TrackingOption trackingOption) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
at DemoImageTrackerSample.SetNormalMode () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
at DemoImageTrackerSample.Start () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0

Posted Date: 2020-01-09 2:37     Edited Date: 2020-01-09 2:37     Writer: inactive

Starting with the MAXST AR SDK version 4.1.1, we support Unity-Android 64-bit builds. To use 64-bit build, follow these steps.

1. Click the File menu> Build Settings> Player Settings button.

2. In the Inspector window, change to Other Settings> Other Scripting Backend drop-down menu> IL2CPP.

3. ARM64 check

4. Select Plugin> Android> libs> arm64-v8a> libMaxstAR.a and check the Android item and change the CPU dropdown menu to ARM64.



Maxst Support Team

Posted Date: 2020-08-06 11:15     Edited Date: 2020-08-06 11:15     Writer: inactive

I am not able to find any libs folder in the android folder. Following are the details :

Current Version 5.0.2
Requirement Unity 2019.6.3 f1
File Name MAXSTARSDK_Unity_5.0.2.unityPackage


 License Type(Free / Pro-One Time Fee / Pro-Subscription / Enterprise): free


I am getting this error :

DllNotFoundException: MaxstAR
maxstAR.TrackerManager.UpdateTrackingState () (at Assets/MaxstAR/Script/Wrapper/TrackerManager.cs:314)
ImageTrackerSample.Update () (at Assets/MaxstARSamples/Scripts/ImageTrackerSample.cs:120)