[Physics.PhysX] cleaning the mesh failed
Posted Date: 2020-02-19 7:48     Edited Date: 2020-02-21 6:43     Writer: inactive

Please provide your development details as below;

1. SDK Version:4.1
2. Development Environment: Unity-Android, Unity-iOS
3. Tracker/Scanner:Cloud
4. License Type :Free 
5. Target Device(Optional):
6.Unity :2019.3.0f6
We can assist better if you attach screenshots of issues.


Error is comes with this line of CloudTrackerSample.cs

"       WearableManager.GetInstance().GetCalibration().CreateWearableEye(Camera.main.transform);" 

Posted Date: 2020-02-20 4:27     Edited Date: 2020-02-20 4:27     Writer: inactive

Hello, deenabrave02.

Thanks for your interest to our SDK.
The MAXST AR SDK only supports Epson Moverio's smart glasses BT-300 and BT-350. What device are you developing on?
Please refer to the following development environment.


MAXST Support Team

Posted Date: 2020-02-21 6:43     Edited Date: 2020-02-21 6:43     Writer: inactive

Hello, MAXST Support Team.

Thanks for your reply.

I am found the resoan of this error.

1.Select the CameraBackGround gameobject on tracking scene.(this gameobject inside the ARCamera)

2.Select the transformation.

3.Change the scale value of x,y,z from 0 -->1e-05 of each other.

This is work for me.
