Use a cloud recognizer to recognize and track millions of images in real-time.
Add cloud recogniton license to experience cloud-based image recognition service.
One month Free trial license
* The Trial license will be automatically deleted in one month.
- The Number of Target Images
1,000 - The Number of Recognition/month
39 USD/month
Monthly subscripiton lincense
with the number of recognition reset every month
- The Number of Target Images
10,000 - The Number of Recognition/month
Contact Us
Custom License
which you can set number or target images and recognition.
- The Number of Target Images
Custom - The Number of Recognition/month
Frequently Asked Questions
How are SDK licenses different from Cloud licenses?
SDK license is a license that issues the keys required to deploy the augmented reality software created with MAXST AR SDK. Cloud license is a license to issue the keys required to use the cloud recognition feature built into MAXST AR SDK, which is a separate purchase.
Can I use the trial cloud license regardless of the duration of the SDK free license?
Trial cloud licenses are automatically deleted after one month of free trial, and the target group linked with that license will also be deleted one month after the expiration. You can only use this trial once per account, and you will need to purchase the Pro or Enterprise licenses if you want to continue to use the cloud recognition feature.
How is the number of recognition calculated?
Every recognition attempts are calculated as total tries, regardless of whether the attempts were successful or not.
What if I need more recognition times than purchased licenses?
License Manager allows you to purchase an additional number of recognition in 10,000 units. The number of additional recognition times will be applied during the month, and will not be carried over to the next month.