Subject Writer Date Comment
Unity crashes when I try to load the .3dmap file in the Object Trackable behaviour script. inactive 2019-10-18 16:05 1
질문이 있습니다 klyhja1 2019-10-17 9:59 1
ImageTracker를 이용한 ar coloring inactive 2019-10-15 5:24 5
Instant image Target recognition Width inactive 2019-10-09 7:22 1
Unity 개발용 웹캠 사용 시 렉이 걸리는 현상에 대해서 sukim 2019-10-08 7:07 2
Android 64bit support inactive 2019-10-08 5:34 1
Image Tracker not working when using SetNewFrame inactive 2019-10-07 15:47 10
Loading 3D objects using OBJ / DAE files inactive 2019-10-07 8:19 1
3.5.0버전 오브젝트트래커시 여러 오브젝트를 트래커시 하위오브젝트 조작? zamru 2019-10-07 8:03 3
What in house application means ? inactive 2019-10-05 1:09 5
No new ImageTargets are recognised after 6+ Scans. martin.haintz 2019-10-04 16:55 3
Pro-one time fee or enterprise plan inactive 2019-10-03 12:35 1
Image Tracker loads 31 2dmap files very slow inactive 2019-10-02 18:29 3
이미지 트레킹할 때 실행시 width와 height가 0이 되는 문제 inactive 2019-10-02 7:34 1
폰에 빌드만하면... inactive 2019-10-02 5:58 1
유니티를 사용해서 길찾기 앱을 만들고 싶은데 방법을 잘 모르겠습니다 ㅜ inactive 2019-09-29 5:15 3
IL2CPP inactive 2019-09-27 16:31 1
Free버전의 비상업적 목적의 범위가 궁금합니다 inactive 2019-09-25 8:43 1
이미지 트래킹 inactive 2019-09-25 7:59 1
Make object sticks to the world even when image tracker is lost inactive 2019-09-24 15:21 3