After deploying the app in android phone, the application freeze on opening.
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2019-06-25 9:32 |
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MaxST AR watermark keeps showing in Unity
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2019-06-24 9:53 |
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SDK for web
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2019-06-24 0:41 |
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2019-06-22 6:22 |
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How many image targets supported?
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2019-06-20 16:36 |
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Can help me, What is the function of Object Tracker, can you use two or more different objects? if possible, how do you do it?
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2019-06-19 16:43 |
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is there a solution to displaying the UI text/button when the target is found on the Object Tracker, if there is what? i'm try but can not yet.
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2019-06-19 7:33 |
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안녕하세요. 혹시 트랙매니저에 마커를 로드할때 로드가 몇%진행되었는지알수있는방법이있나요?
paco |
2019-06-19 5:22 |
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이미지 트랙킹 질문
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2019-06-19 1:37 |
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Unity Windows 빌드 이슈
redleon |
2019-06-18 9:57 |
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안드로이드에비해 iOS 마커로딩속도가 깁니다.
paco |
2019-06-17 1:10 |
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Visual SLAM Tool & Object Tracker에 대해서 문의 드립니다.
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2019-06-16 16:38 |
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Show message "Can't load video file"
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2019-06-13 14:10 |
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Wrong documentation
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2019-06-13 14:06 |
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카메라 이미지 인식
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2019-06-13 12:35 |
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맥스트를 포함시킨 앱동작 시, 스플래시 로고(회사로고)가 비치는 경우가발생합니다.
paco |
2019-06-13 8:37 |
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Object Tracker / 3D Map Problems
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2019-06-11 15:37 |
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안녕하세요. TrackerManager.GetInstance().IsTrackerDataLoadCompleted() 가 디바이스에서 먹히지않습니다.
paco |
2019-06-11 6:36 |
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이미지 타겟(.2dmap) 로딩 시간 문의
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2019-06-10 9:27 |
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2019-06-10 7:39 |
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