AR 카메라 영상 질문외
inactive |
2018-10-12 1:35 |
1 |
Constant craches in iOS using Unity 2017 or 2018
inactive |
2018-10-11 19:26 |
2 |
Invalid Signature on Android. Works in Editor.
inactive |
2018-10-11 11:45 |
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Instant Traker scene Unity
inactive |
2018-10-11 10:27 |
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Scanning an image target crashes Unity Editor (2017.2.1f1)
inactive |
2018-10-10 20:43 |
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Crash when moving Image Tracker Target on and off the camera view with device movement.
inactive |
2018-10-10 17:42 |
8 |
Unity AR camera feed upside down on (some) Android devices
inactive |
2018-10-10 12:48 |
5 |
Disable the object under ground
inactive |
2018-10-09 7:52 |
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Image Target AR with Unity for Windows 10 UWP?
inactive |
2018-10-04 14:51 |
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How to Implement of Instant training functionally for Image Tracker
inactive |
2018-10-04 4:30 |
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Instant Tracking - How to place or fix object on surface
inactive |
2018-09-27 19:19 |
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워터마크 삭제
inactive |
2018-09-27 9:02 |
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object tracking is not working in android device
inactive |
2018-09-27 6:16 |
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즉석 이미지 인식에서 회전값이 이상합니다.
inactive |
2018-09-26 23:35 |
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Convert Pose of ImageTracker Object to InstantTracker
inactive |
2018-09-26 9:51 |
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face tracking
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2018-09-25 12:36 |
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Image Target에서 target에 3D 좌표를 알고 싶습니다.
inactive |
2018-09-20 6:11 |
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Change objects on Instant Tracker
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2018-09-19 16:03 |
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Split bimary sopport
inchkiev |
2018-09-19 12:26 |
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differance between instant tracking and slam
inactive |
2018-09-18 13:58 |
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