Subject Writer Date Comment
face recognition inactive 2018-08-06 14:12 1
Use ARKit and MaxST in the same Unity3D project inactive 2018-08-03 7:35 2
AR Content is disoriented when Image Tracking is triggered. inactive 2018-08-02 20:24 3
Image Tracker MULTI_TRACKING is not working inactive 2018-08-02 17:10 4
Image tracker with delay to show de object. inactive 2018-08-02 17:06 1
Access FOV, Position, Rotation of ARCamera component in Unity inactive 2018-08-02 13:17 3
Shawdows for Models in Instant tracking inactive 2018-08-02 12:42 1
I can't get EyeLeft and EyeRight During Debug with my glasses. inactive 2018-08-01 11:12 1
저번에 튜토리얼 관련하여 질문을 올렷던 사람입니다. inactive 2018-07-28 11:30 3
Crashing Repeatedly on iOS inactive 2018-07-27 13:35 4
마커 위에 띄운 오브젝트간의 거리를 알고싶습니다. inactive 2018-07-27 13:22 2
튜토리얼을 따라해보면서 Unity 이용중 inactive 2018-07-27 5:55 1
EXTENDED_TRACKED with maxst ? inactive 2018-07-26 9:18 5
이미지 인식 관련 문의사항이 있습니다. inactive 2018-07-25 7:13 1
maxst_calibration_en.pdf gives 404 inactive 2018-07-24 20:49 2
Can i use MAXST SDK + iOS ARKit together in One Scene Unity inactive 2018-07-22 17:54 3
Canvas show and get stuck on Screen (Marker) Unity 5.6 inactive 2018-07-21 18:39 2
맥스트 AR 키트 테스트 중 궁금한 점이 있습니다. inactive 2018-07-18 8:08 1
Extended Tracking Issues When Building to Iphone inactive 2018-07-17 10:39 3
cylindrical image markers inactive 2018-07-17 2:41 3