Subject Writer Date Comment
How get the image frames from Camera inactive 2018-08-22 1:54 1
Identification instability inactive 2018-08-22 1:29 1
Is it possible make AR Cube with MaxST? inactive 2018-08-20 12:51 1
Coordinate System of Image Tracker in Unity inactive 2018-08-20 8:51 3
AR카메라 영상 및 사진 촬영 질문 inactive 2018-08-20 7:26 1
Target count Limits inactive 2018-08-20 0:07 1
GetPose In MaxSt? inactive 2018-08-17 15:02 2
How to close the camera inactive 2018-08-17 0:48 1
Change camera type on runtime inactive 2018-08-14 16:09 8
Allow user defined camera for pose calculation inactive 2018-08-14 14:29 1
图像追踪状态获取 inactive 2018-08-14 4:01 2
개발방식 문의 inactive 2018-08-14 2:00 1
Image Target at long distance inactive 2018-08-13 17:22 2
Instant Tracker Objects does not fix/pin in the place inactive 2018-08-13 14:55 1
Map Sharing inactive 2018-08-10 17:18 1
안녕하세요 인식은 maxst에서하고 증강된 물체는 sceneform을 이용하여 보여주고싶습니다. inactive 2018-08-10 4:47 3
Marker tracker customized is not being recognized inactive 2018-08-09 16:10 3
Object Tracking return OnTrackSuccess and OnTrackFail every tick inactive 2018-08-09 12:18 1
ImageTracking 시에 이미지 좌표를 알고싶습니다. inactive 2018-08-08 8:21 10
Stop Video Playback inactive 2018-08-08 7:38 9