Subject Writer Date Comment
ios sample 앱에서 에러가 납니다. inactive 2018-01-16 11:39 1
Epson BT350 inactive 2018-01-16 9:29 3
What determines marker file size? reimajina 2018-01-16 4:36 4
Image Target bitmap inactive 2018-01-12 13:22 6
Crash app when switch camera front on Nexus 6 Android 7.1.1 inactive 2018-01-11 9:08 2
런타임 에서 타겟 및 증강컨텐츠 변경 inactive 2018-01-11 4:54 1
Multiple target Instant Tracking inactive 2018-01-10 11:46 1
MAXST sample을 빌드 해본 후 제가 앱을 하나 만들어 보려고 합니다 inactive 2018-01-08 8:51 12
Using cropped image as instant tracker yuliyanto1985 2018-01-08 7:59 3
Is it possible to have multiple Tracker Manager? inactive 2018-01-05 4:14 1
Instant tracker sample app source code missing inactive 2018-01-04 4:15 2
SDK 3.4 minimum Android API version inactive 2018-01-02 10:28 3
How can 3dobject be identified in object tracker? inactive 2017-12-28 6:36 1
자주 질문을 드려서 죄송합니다만 3dmap 교체 및 추가 건에 관하여 질문을 드립니다. inactive 2017-12-22 0:16 1
한 SCENE에서 MULTI OBJECT TRACKING을 할 수 있나요? inactive 2017-12-20 23:51 2
유니티에서 스프라이트를 ARCANVAS 위에 표시하고자 할때 위치가 고정이 안되는 문제 inactive 2017-12-20 0:07 3
two questions (SLAM and OS) inactive 2017-12-16 8:46 1
Hand Gestures inactive 2017-12-16 6:14 1
Object Rotation Problem inactive 2017-12-15 6:27 9
Error - 'Image' is an abiguous reference between 'UnityEngine.UI.Image' and 'maxstAR.Image' inactive 2017-12-15 5:59 1