Cannot configure License on Unity
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2017-10-23 16:34 |
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Displaying text on Image
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2017-10-22 20:23 |
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How to determine the position of an object which under the ObjectTrackable?
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2017-10-22 16:29 |
4 |
Camera Image Byte Array
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2017-10-20 10:33 |
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귀사 SDK 사용 관련 문의 드립니다.
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2017-10-17 16:06 |
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Image Tracker 실행시 노트북 캠에선 증강이 되지만 핸드폰 앱 빌드실행시 증강이되지 않습니다.
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2017-10-12 20:58 |
1 |
Marker Less Augmented Reality.
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2017-10-12 16:08 |
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증강 된 물체가 항상 카메라 중앙에 위치하게 할 수 있나요?
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2017-10-11 19:15 |
3 |
Object Tracking-Multiple objects not getting tracked
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2017-10-10 23:49 |
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Xcode 9
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2017-10-09 21:19 |
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Render 3D object from 3D max obj into maxst
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2017-10-06 10:32 |
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Upgrade from one version of sdk to another
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2017-10-05 12:52 |
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ARCore and ARKit integration
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2017-10-04 23:29 |
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Pro license로 했는데 Maxst 로고가 나오는데
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2017-10-02 11:45 |
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Android phone flashlight ON/OFF
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2017-09-26 18:54 |
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How to load 3D model?
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2017-09-24 14:03 |
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안녕하세요 카메라 관련해서 문의드립니다
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2017-09-14 15:54 |
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안녕하세요 문의 드립니다.
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2017-09-11 16:12 |
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Instant Tracking demo
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2017-09-07 23:57 |
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Object Tracker 에서 Object 위치를 설정할 수 있나요?
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2017-09-07 11:55 |
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