Subject Writer Date Comment
한 SCENE에서 MULTI OBJECT TRACKING을 할 수 있나요? inactive 2017-12-20 23:51 2
유니티에서 스프라이트를 ARCANVAS 위에 표시하고자 할때 위치가 고정이 안되는 문제 inactive 2017-12-20 0:07 3
two questions (SLAM and OS) inactive 2017-12-16 8:46 1
Hand Gestures inactive 2017-12-16 6:14 1
Object Rotation Problem inactive 2017-12-15 6:27 9
Error - 'Image' is an abiguous reference between 'UnityEngine.UI.Image' and 'maxstAR.Image' inactive 2017-12-15 5:59 1
Lose Track But Position Remains same inactive 2017-12-14 15:07 1
Cant compile with Unity and XCode Undefined symbols for architecture arm64... inactive 2017-12-14 14:03 13
AR camera problem inactive 2017-12-12 22:49 11
Rotation problem with ARCamera? inactive 2017-12-12 10:47 4
Detect touch on AR object inactive 2017-12-08 8:36 1
API 문서들을 보고있는데 영문 API만 제공하시는것인가요? inactive 2017-12-05 1:28 1
How many maps can be used the same time? inactive 2017-12-04 9:43 1
SDK AR 카메라를 유니티 각 SCENE 마다 적용할수 있는것인가요? inactive 2017-12-04 2:25 4
ImageTrackerSample start tracking with Extended tracking by default. inactive 2017-12-01 11:10 1
Maxst AR is looping between OnTrackFail() & OnTrackSuccess()? inactive 2017-11-29 6:24 7
loading time to scan farizsungkar 2017-11-22 11:54 4
About Camera Background lighting jerrygod 2017-11-21 14:27 11
Detect which image target inactive 2017-11-20 4:44 4
I am always getting Download Failed (404) inactive 2017-11-19 4:26 3