Subject Writer Date Comment
How can 3dobject be identified in object tracker for 3.5? inactive 2018-04-17 6:36 1
Place the 3D Model on a Tap gesture in Instant Tracking inactive 2018-04-16 22:26 1
Difference between marker and image tracking inactive 2018-04-13 16:06 3
How to add Animated Objects in Unity-Android inactive 2018-04-13 5:23 2
Object Tracker의 Auto Camera 기능을 자세하게 알고 싶습니다. inactive 2018-04-13 2:16 3
Find Surfance Problem inactive 2018-04-12 19:44 4
Object Tracker 4개 이상은 인식이 안 되나요? inactive 2018-04-12 9:14 1
GetSurfaceMesh questions inactive 2018-04-12 6:09 1
일부 안드로이드 기종에서 카메라 제대로 작동하지않는 현상 inactive 2018-04-12 6:04 6
Invalid Signature inactive 2018-04-12 2:38 2
Touch behaviour on Moverio BT-300 application inactive 2018-04-11 15:08 1
How to use new license on the Unity project with previous free license? inactive 2018-04-11 8:34 2
3d 오브젝트를 마커로 하는 기능이 있을까요? inactive 2018-04-11 4:59 1
OpenSceneGraph support inactive 2018-04-11 1:08 2
Object Tracker를 쓰고있는데, 궁금한 점이 있습니다. inactive 2018-04-10 8:29 4
깜빡거림문제 inactive 2018-04-10 7:47 2
addTrackerData from getFilesDir() [Android] inactive 2018-04-09 17:23 3
BT-350 with Wearable Type in Optical see through occur error : Screen position out of view frustum inactive 2018-04-06 12:44 11
Targets Limitation Per Scene inactive 2018-04-05 20:20 6
Get the Character's name when tracker activated. inactive 2018-04-05 15:02 1