MaxstAR Unity
CmaxstAR.CameraDevice | class for camera device handling |
CmaxstAR.CloudRecognitionData | |
CmaxstAR.CloudRecognitionLocalData | |
CmaxstAR.CloudRecognizerCache | |
CmaxstAR.GuideInfo | Contains surface's data generated from slam tracking |
CmaxstAR.MatrixUtils | Matrix converting utililty class |
CmaxstAR.MaxstAR | Set device environment |
▼CmaxstAR.MaxstSingleton< CloudRecognitionAPIController > | |
CmaxstAR.CloudRecognitionAPIController | |
▼CmaxstAR.MaxstSingleton< CloudRecognitionController > | |
CmaxstAR.CloudRecognitionController | |
▼CMonoBehaviour | |
CmaxstAR.AbstractARManager | Initialize system environment with app key, screen size and orientation |
CmaxstAR.AbstractCameraBackgroundBehaviour | Handles native background rendering |
CmaxstAR.AbstractCloudTrackableBehaviour | |
CmaxstAR.AbstractFeaturePointBehaviour | |
CmaxstAR.AbstractMapViewerBehaviour | Handles 3D map file for authoring. Map controller includes mappoint controller and keyframe controller |
▼CmaxstAR.AbstractTrackableBehaviour | Parent class of all TrackableBehaviour. Save tracking file's id (uuid), name, path etc. All setting datas are for editor mode and runtime tracking result |
CmaxstAR.AbstractImageTrackableBehaviour | Handle tracking file definition in editor and runtime target image visibility |
CmaxstAR.AbstractInstantTrackableBehaviour | Serves only instant tracking mode |
CmaxstAR.AbstractMarkerTrackableBehaviour | Serve frame marker tracking. This is not working current version! |
CmaxstAR.AbstractObjectTrackableBehaviour | Serve 3dmap file recognition and tracking |
CmaxstAR.AbstractQrCodeTrackableBehaviour | Handle tracking file definition in editor and runtime target image visibility |
CmaxstAR.APIController | |
CmaxstAR.MapRendererBehaviour | Map created by Visual SLAM renderer |
CmaxstAR.MaxstARUtil | |
CmaxstAR.MaxstSingleton< T > | |
▼CScriptableObject | |
CmaxstAR.AbstractConfigurationScriptableObject | Control the configuration asset file |
CmaxstAR.SensorDevice | Control device sensor |
CmaxstAR.SurfaceThumbnail | Contains surface thumbnail image information of first keyframe |
CmaxstAR.TagAnchor | |
CmaxstAR.TagAnchors | |
CmaxstAR.Trackable | Container for individual tracking information |
CmaxstAR.TrackedImage | image data which is used for tracker and rendering |
CmaxstAR.TrackerManager | Control AR Engine (Singletone) |
CmaxstAR.TrackingResult | Contains tracked targets informations |
CmaxstAR.TrackingState | Container for individual tracking information |
CmaxstAR.WearableCalibration | API for wearable calibration |