Subject Writer Date Comment
Can't upload Target image inactive 2021-04-20 0:35 8
안녕하세요 안드로이드 ar앱을 실행했는데 화면이 아무것도 안보입니다. inactive 2021-04-18 12:31 6
Best database that can be using with MAXST inactive 2021-04-15 2:26 3
Using application in smartphone device with the free version inactive 2021-04-15 2:10 4
Problem when using both qr code tracker and object tracker inactive 2021-04-14 13:04 7
Samsung Gallaxy S21 FE inactive 2021-04-14 2:31 1
Track and insert 3D objects inactive 2021-04-11 19:03 5
안녕하세요 질문있습니다. inactive 2021-04-05 6:00 3
Black Screen When Maxst example is built inactive 2021-03-27 17:43 1
Do we have background options in Maxst ? inactive 2021-03-26 11:29 1
ImageTrack Sample에서 ImageTrackable 하위 MeshRenderer가 모두 활성화 됩니다. inactive 2021-03-26 0:19 1
How to test all the features and I couldn't able to test none of the feature can anyone help me to check this ? inactive 2021-03-25 9:42 1
클라우드 방식으로 다중 마커 인식이 가능한가요? sukim 2021-03-25 3:33 1
5.0으로 업그레이드 문의 inactive 2021-03-23 7:09 5
ios 개발 inactive 2021-03-22 9:05 1
BT350 + UNITY = BLACKSCREEN, OBJECT NOT AUGMENTED inactive 2021-03-21 12:26 1
BT-350 raycast in 3D mode inactive 2021-03-18 10:46 3
맥스트 카메라 비율 설정 inactive 2021-03-18 8:50 1
Gradle error - Android build inactive 2021-03-13 16:05 1
이미지 마커 방식 질문 있습니다. sukim 2021-03-12 2:13 1