Subject Writer Date Comment
Invalid Signature 오류 inactive 2023-05-31 7:30 3
About the realism of models and graphics. fl1re.nubo 2023-05-30 17:59 1
About CameraDevice davidjayhdw 2023-05-29 9:58 1
Object Tracker Crash Issue inactive 2023-05-24 15:08 4
Calibration support for external cameras inactive 2023-05-24 13:37 2
Standalone Windows support using Unity? inactive 2023-05-19 15:27 1
MAXSTARSDK_Android_6.0.0의 sample app에 라이센스 키 적용 방법 문의 takebody 2023-05-16 11:24 1
Running Error with google cardboard sdk for unity inactive 2023-05-09 3:26 6
SDK 6.0.0's app key davidjayhdw 2023-05-07 1:52 3
Cannot download 2dmap from site fl1re.nubo 2023-05-04 21:49 4
Add device for huawei P30 davidjayhdw 2023-04-25 8:59 1
external depth camera inactive 2023-04-14 9:41 1
Android 13 지원 여부 문의 inactive 2023-04-14 4:28 1
Outsource text annotation inactive 2023-04-01 1:39 1
Marker Fusion reimajina 2023-03-31 8:20 1
AR 카메라 오류 inactive 2023-03-15 8:06 1
Unable to run on mac smartclassdev 2023-03-15 3:23 1
sentencecorrector inactive 2023-03-10 17:09 1
passive voice misuse checker inactive 2023-03-10 11:26 1
instant training with fusion tracker inactive 2023-03-10 10:26 11