Subject Writer Date Comment
Is Image Fusion Tracker via nreal not available with the trial license? kkm417417 2023-10-05 7:57 1
Traking Success 판별과 world 좌표계의 Object trigger bones11201008 2023-10-04 9:51 3
사이트 오동작 bones11201008 2023-10-04 9:18 3
Is image tracking via nreal not available with the trial license? kkm417417 2023-10-03 10:37 2
[URGENT] Need Assistance for getting the maxst ar sdk subscription augmentablestech 2023-10-03 8:34 1
Area Target recognition up to simultaneous 5 targets. esteban.gallardo 2023-10-02 16:27 3
Unity Editor crashes when I start the Object Tracker scene gkarafotias 2023-09-26 10:05 1
Unity sample application does not show camera feed gkarafotias 2023-09-26 9:57 7
License wrong ling0lchi 2023-09-22 4:26 5
SDK 6.1.0 버전에서 SpaceTracker 타겟 개수를 2개 이상 하려면 어떻게 해야하나요? micus 2023-09-19 3:48 4
Space Tracker 카메라 동작을 안합니다. micus 2023-09-18 11:15 2
Image Tracking for Nreal kkm417417 2023-09-17 8:23 1
Change tracking mode at runtime application anrilparus 2023-09-14 9:16 8
Trakable with argumented canvas bones11201008 2023-09-13 1:08 4
[해결] M2 MAX, Unity 2021.3.28f1, Object Tracker, DllNotFoundException 에러 yschon 2023-09-07 1:44 3
카메라 화질 문의 pibs1007 2023-09-05 7:58 1
증강물의 변경 bones11201008 2023-09-04 2:23 2
Unity - usb cam 사용 문의 bones11201008 2023-08-24 6:13 1
JNI error while starting Image Tracker in Unity-Android support 2023-08-21 15:59 1
Space Tracker 문의드립니다. metaversero 2023-08-21 10:01 3
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