이미지 트래킹 후, 모델 관련 질문입니다.(Android/iOS 둘 다)
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2018-06-21 7:22 |
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Utilizing Extra Sensors like Stereo
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2018-06-20 20:25 |
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Access to feature points captured by SLAM
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2018-06-19 22:14 |
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Disable Touch and Drag feature for Instant Tracker
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2018-06-19 12:37 |
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이미지 트래커가 들어간 씬을 불러오면 금방 꺼져버립니다.
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2018-06-19 2:17 |
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멀티 이미지 트래킹
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2018-06-19 2:04 |
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camera not working on mobile devices
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2018-06-17 7:17 |
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Instant Tracker 질문
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2018-06-15 1:23 |
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multiple objects for instant tracking
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2018-06-13 10:26 |
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2018-06-13 6:59 |
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MAXST AR SDK Video Tutorials - Image Tracker의 3d sample file 을 구할 수 있나요?
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2018-06-13 2:10 |
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2018-06-12 22:38 |
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play video when detect image
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2018-06-12 10:57 |
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Match 3D CAD Model to Object Tracker
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2018-06-11 16:56 |
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Several questions about features !?
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2018-06-11 5:13 |
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How to disable Instant trackable object pan
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2018-06-05 17:37 |
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스마트 글래스 BT-350에서 해상도 문제
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2018-06-04 9:29 |
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Is Image and Object Tracking possible simultaneously?
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2018-06-03 10:50 |
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Map Manager 공간학습할 때
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2018-05-30 0:41 |
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Create Our Own Calibration App?
abellad |
2018-05-28 14:20 |
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