Setup Guide

1. Set Up Android Development Environment
2. Install MAXST AR SDK for Android
3. Build / Run Sample App

Set Up Android Development Environment


  • ‘MAXST AR SDK' supports ‘Android OS 4.3, API Level 18' or later.

  • To use ‘MAXST AR SDK for Android', you need basic knowledge of Android development.

To set up the development environment, install the following elements.

  • [JDK (Java SE)][JDK]

  • [Android Studio IDE][Android Studio IDE]

2. Install MAXST AR SDK for Android

‘MAXST AR SDK for Android' is distributed as a ZIP file.

Installation process

  • [Download MAXST AR SDK for Android][Download MAXST AR SDK for Android]

  • Extract the SDK zip file to the desired path. (e.g. C:\Workspace\MaxstARSDKAndroid)