Object Tracker iOS Tutorial

1. Overview
2. iOS Development
2.1 Create Instants
2.2 Start / Stop Tracker
2.3 Use Tracking Information
2.4 Set Map
2.5 Add / Replace Map
2.6 Change Tracking Mode
3. Reference
3.1 API Reference
3.2 Sample

1. Overview

Start developing MAXST ARSDK Object Tracker on iOS Platform. Refer to Object Tracker Introduction for detailed information.

Refer to Tracker Coordinate System to better understand 3D coordinate system of Object Tracker.

Generate 3D Mapfile of the target for Object Tracker via Visual SLAM Tool. The Object Tracker loads the map file and renders 3D object on it. Refer to Visual SLAM Learning Guide to create a map more precisely while scanning 3D space.

Object Tracker Introduction
Visual SLAM Tool
Tracker Coordinate System
Visual SLAM Learning Guide

2. iOS Development

Start developing on xCode using Swift. Refer to Requirements & Supports to find out which devices are supported.

ARSDK has to properly integrate on iOS UIViewController. Refer to Life Cycle documents for detail.

2.1 Create Instants


var cameraDevice:MasCameraDevice = MasCameraDevice()
var trackingManager:MasTrackerManager = MasTrackerManager()

2.2 Start / Stop Tracker

To start / stop the tracker after loading the map, refer to the following code.

※ To change the tracker, destroyTracker() should be called before


@objc func resumeAR()

@objc func pauseAR()

2.3 Use Tracking Information

To use the tracking information, refer to the following code.

※ startTracker() should be called before


func draw(in view: MTKView) {
    let trackingState:MasTrackingState = trackingManager.updateTrackingState()
    let result:MasTrackingResult = trackingState.getTrackingResult()
    let backgroundImage:MasTrackedImage = trackingState.getImage()
    var backgroundProjectionMatrix:matrix_float4x4 = cameraDevice.getBackgroundPlaneProjectionMatrix()
    let projectionMatrix:matrix_float4x4 = cameraDevice.getProjectionMatrix()
    if let cameraQuad = backgroundCameraQuad {
        cameraQuad.setProjectionMatrix(projectionMatrix: backgroundProjectionMatrix)
        cameraQuad.draw(commandEncoder: commandEncoder, image: backgroundImage)
    let trackingCount:Int32 = result.getCount()
    for i in stride(from: 0, to: trackingCount, by: 1) {
        let trackable:MasTrackable = result.getTrackable(i)
        let poseMatrix:matrix_float4x4 = trackable.getPose()
        textureCube.setProjectionMatrix(projectionMatrix: projectionMatrix)
        textureCube.setPoseMatrix(poseMatrix: poseMatrix)
        textureCube.setTranslation(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: -0.15)
        textureCube.setScale(x: 0.3, y: 0.3, z: 0.3)
        textureCube.draw(commandEncoder: commandEncoder)

2.4 Set Map

By calling function addTrackerData to register the map file and calling function loadTrackerData, Space can be tracked. To set a map, refer to the following code.


func startEngin()

Note - Map Compatibility
Starting with Visual Slam Tool 5.1.0, the file format for 3dmaps has changed. 3dmaps created in Visual Slam Tool 5.1.0 or later are supported by AR SDK 6.1.x or later. If you want to continue using AR SDK 6.0.x or earlier, please use Visual Slam Tool 5.0.8 Android.
Also, you can only add 3dmaps from the same version to Object Tracker.

2.4.1 Set Package

If you are using multiple object maps, packaging them in a 3dpkg file will greatly improve map loading speed and recognition speed.
Create a 3dpkg with MapPackager, call AddTrackerData() to register the package file, and call LoadTrackerData() to track the target object.

func startEngin()
    let packagePath:String = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "package", ofType: "3dpkg", inDirectory: "data/SDKSample")!


※ Object Package(3dpkg) is available from AR SDK 6.1.0.
※ Only 3dmaps created in Visual Slam Tool 5.1.0 or later can be packaged as 3dpkg.
※ Only one 3dpkg can be added to Object Tracker.

2.5 Add / Replace Map

※ You can add multiple 3Dmaps to recognize one of multiple objects. We recommend to add up to three maps.

  1. Create a map file refer to Visual SLAM Tool.

  2. Copy the received map file to the desired path.

  3. Set a map.

  4. If you have an existing map file, call function 'addTrackerData' and function 'loadTrackerData' after calling trackingManager.removeTrackerData()

2.6 Change Tracking Mode

2 Tracking Modes of Object Tracker:

  • EXTENDED_TRACKING: Default Setting. Track surrounded environment beyond a trained object.
  • NORMAL_TRACKING: Track only a trained object.

3. References

These are additional references to develop Object Tracker

3.1 API Reference

Following documents explain classes and functions used to run Object Tracker.

MaxstAR Class

TrackerManager Class

CameraDevice Class

3.2 Sample

For information regarding sample build and run of Object Tracker, refer to Sample
