Setup Guide

Setting Up the Android Development Environment
Installing MAXST AR SDK for Android
Building / Running the Sample App

Setting Up the Android Development Environment


  • ‘MAXST AR SDK' supports ‘Android OS 4.1' or later, ‘OpenGL ES 2'.

  • To use ‘MAXST AR SDK for Android', you need basic knowledge of Android development.

To set up the development environment, install the following elements.

Installing MAXST AR SDK for Android

‘MAXST AR SDK for Android' is distributed as a ZIP file.

Installation process

Building / Running the Sample App

To build ‘MAXST AR SDK sample app for Android', follow these steps.

  1. Launch Android Studio.

  2. From the File menu, select ‘Open > File or Project…' or select ‘Open an existing Android Studio project' from the Quick Start launch page.

  3. Select the '\MAXSTARSDK_Android_x.y.z\Samples' folder in the path where you installed the MAXST AR SDK for Android. setUpOpenProject

  4. If you need Android SDK Packages, Android Studio will display a ‘Gradle sync failed' message. In this case, click the link to install Packagaes. setUpError

  5. Click the ‘Run' menu on the Android Studio toolbar or click the triangle icon to the right of the ‘app' menu button to install the app on the connected device. setUpRunApp