Image Tracker
The Image Tracker recognizes and tracks planar images. It can demonstrate not only 3D objects but also videos, even the transparent one.
Create Instants
Starting / Stopping the Tracker
Using the Tracking Information
Setting a Target Image
Adding / Replacing a Target Image
Changing Tracking Mode
Create Instants
- (void)viewDidLoad { ... trackingManager = [[MasTrackerManager alloc] init]; cameraDevice = [[MasCameraDevice alloc] init]; backgroundRenderer = [[MasBackgroundRenderer alloc] init]; [MasMaxstAR onSurfaceCreated]; }
Starting / Stopping the Tracker
To start / stop Tracker after loading the map, refer to the following code.
- (void)resumeAR { ... [trackingManager startTracker:TRACKER_TYPE_IMAGE]; } - (void)pauseAR { [trackingManager stopTracker]; ... }
Using the Tracking Information
In the folder where SDK is installed, go to ‘data > SDKSample > Original > ImageTarget' folder, and there is sample target image. Print the image.
If you use the sample code, the following content will be augmented for each image.
- Blocks.jpg: The alpha video is augmented.
- Lego.jpg: The normal video is augmented.
- Glacier.jpg: The cube with the texture is augmented.
To apply tracking results to augmented objects, refer to the following code.
- (void)glkView:(GLKView *)view drawInRect:(CGRect)rect { ... MasTrackingState *trackingState = [trackingManager updateTrackingState]; MasTrackingResult *result = [trackingState getTrackingResult]; MasBackgroundTexture *backgroundTexture = [backgroundRenderer getBackgroundTexture]; [backgroundRenderer begin:backgroundTexture]; [backgroundRenderer renderBackgroundToTexture]; [backgroundRenderer end]; [backgroundQuad draw:backgroundTexture projectionMatrix:[cameraDevice getBackgroundPlaneProjectionMatrix]]; matrix_float4x4 projectionMatrix = [cameraDevice getProjectionMatrix]; int trackingCount = [result getCount]; if(trackingCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < trackingCount; i++) { MasTrackable *trackable = [result getTrackable:i]; if([[trackable getName] isEqual: @"Lego"]) { ... } else if([[trackable getName] isEqual: @"Blocks"]) { ... } else if([[trackable getName] isEqual: @"Glacier"]) { [texturedCube setProjectionMatrix:projectionMatrix]; [texturedCube setPoseMatrix:[trackable getPose]]; [texturedCube setTranslation:0.0f y:0.0f z:-0.025f]; [texturedCube setScale:0.15f y:0.15f z:0.05f]; [texturedCube draw]; } ... } } ... }
Setting a Target Image
By calling function addTrackerData to register the map file and calling function loadTrackerData, the target image can be tracked. To set a target image, refer to the following code.
- (void)startEngine { ... NSString *blocksTrackerMapPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Blocks" ofType:@"2dmap" inDirectory:@"data/SDKSample"]; NSString *glacierTrackerMapPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Glacier" ofType:@"2dmap" inDirectory:@"data/SDKSample"]; NSString *legoTrackerMapPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Lego" ofType:@"2dmap" inDirectory:@"data/SDKSample"]; [trackingManager startTracker:TRACKER_TYPE_IMAGE]; [trackingManager setTrackingOption:NORMAL_TRACKING]; [trackingManager addTrackerData:blocksTrackerMapPath]; [trackingManager addTrackerData:glacierTrackerMapPath]; [trackingManager addTrackerData:legoTrackerMapPath]; [trackingManager loadTrackerData]; }
Adding / Replacing a Target Image
Create a map file refer to Documentation > Target Manager.
Download the file you created.
Unzip the downloaded file and copy it to the desired path.
Changing Tracking Mode
Image Tracker has three Tracking modes : normal, extended, and multi.
The default setting is normal mode.
- normal mode: This is the normal image tracker.
[trackingManager setTrackingOption:NORMAL_TRACKING];
- extended mode: This function is traceable even when the distance from the target image is far away.
[trackingManager setTrackingOption:EXTENDED_TRACKING];
- multi mode: This function allows you to recognize and track up to three target images at the same time.
[trackingManager setTrackingOption:MULTI_TRACKING];